Friday, April 29, 2011

My Kids Part 3

PJ with his baby uncle
Sons are wonderful creatures. They have certain qualities that leave moms like me in utter amazement. PJ or Peter Joseph came into this world via caesarian section. He was in a breach position, so no choice, had to go under the knife. He was born May 1st at 9 o'clock in the morning. He was named after his father, Peter, and "Joseph" since May 1 is the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker. Believe it or not, PJ and Ceci share the same birthdates. Relatives and friends are usually amazed but its kind of wonderful, isn't it? Sharing birthdays with your sister....heheheh!!! Of course, they have this 2 years gap.

PJ is a typical boy, thank God! He developed an interest with cars and he scans his dad's Top Gear mag often. He can identify cars on the streets. When somebody asked him why he knows, he would readily answer "because I read my dad's magazine". He is also nuts with HotWheels. Going to the Toys R' Us means spending more time at the HotWheel's section and point out what he likes for his birthday or for christmas. If you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up...he will answer you "Engineer, I want to be an engineer."  I wonder what kind of engineer is least not a car racer or something.
PJ in front of his Lolo Apeles pic

PJ also likes to give unexpected comments like "Mom, you're a princess!" or "You're great Mom!".  Isn't he sweet? When he's with me on weekends, he would always make sure that he sleeps with me not with his manang or cousins. Just with me.

Being a solo parent and two out of your three kids are not with you and you get to only see them on weekends is quite hard. As mothers it's natural for us to be nurturers and gather our youngs to feed them and take care of them. In my case, I feel incomplete coz my children are not with me everyday and one is always left with their father. One is always missing.

What's nice though is I get to concentrate on each one of them. One at a time. And everytime they're with me is always special.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Coz you're amazing just the way you are!"

I love these words from the song "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars. It's like somebody is telling me that I am amazing just the way I am. I know I do and it took me thirty nine long years to realize that.

Just how amazing I am - check this out - a provincial lass who went to a cosmopolitan city to find a job, away from home and was able to survive. Bore three (3) kids with two (2) normal deliveries and one (1) by caesarian section. Had one (1) miscarriage. Survived failed relationships. Was able to get out alive from an abusive relationship. Juggled work and family with a faithful and hopeful heart. Managed to overcome emotional and financial difficulties. Passed life adversities with flying colors. Conquered fears and learned to listen to her inner voice. On her way to living in her own dream house. Looking forward to a wonderful future with caring friends, loving family, satisfying job and a rich relationship with her God.

Now I am on my way to become a forty year old woman. And I can't help it but I am happy. I'm a single mom, I am an employee, I am a friend, I am a daughter, I am a sister and I am amazing!

Happy Mother's Day to all amazing moms!!!

Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...