Showing posts with label Happy Even After: A Solo Mom Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Even After: A Solo Mom Journal. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012



After the expected and long awaited separation from ex, here is my "Happy Even After" list:
  • I am able to regain my dignity as a person
  • I regained my self-confidence
  • Realized a full emotional support from family and friends
  • Gained new and real friends during the healing process
  • Able to enjoy short vacations with kids without a KJ or an alcoholic person around
  • Not bothered with "are you going home or not?", "don't bother to go home" and all the other emotional blackmails used when insecurities and alcohol mixed
  • Spontaneity fully realized
  • Learned to take care of myself
  • On the process of rediscovering myself 
  • Getting comfortable and being used to doing things alone
  • Able to go on dates with myself 
  • Appreciating the company of girlfriends during girl's night out and ladies only events
  • Able to proved that a solo parent can manage to maintain a household on a single income albeit with some sacrifices but nonetheless able to survive financial difficulties
  • Able to proved that faith in God does make a difference in ones uncertainty
  • Angels does exist in the form of generous, thoughtful and caring souls 
  • Possibilities present itself continuously
  • Opportunities to improve one's situation are aplenty
  • Passions are realized little by little
  • Expanding horizons
  • Able to sympathize and connect with individuals who have the same concerns as mine
  • Able to help others through sharing one's experience 
  • Being an inspiration to someone without knowing it 
  • Now, looking forward to another chapter of my life with a renewed spirit and confidence
What's your "Happy Even After" list?

Friday, May 4, 2012


I recently acquired a book entitled "Happy Even After: A Solo Mom's Journal" made specifically yes, for solo moms like me. The journal has inspiring short stories and tips from famous solo moms in the Philippines and one of them is somebody whom I admired most, award-winning children’s book author Jean Lee Patindol.

I found the journal very helpful and inspiring. Reading how solo moms managed theirs and children's lives alone. I learned that there's a Solo Parent Act passed by Congress. And, I am able to reflect on how to have a "happy even after" life for me too.

I already started jotting down my random thoughts on the blank pages of the journal and I am looking forward to more readings such as this. Who knows? Maybe soon I will share my own Happy Even After Story.

To Miss Jean, thank you for my free copy. Truly I'm blessed., pub-5749341205139411, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Post Pandemic Musings

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