Showing posts with label single parent's poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label single parent's poem. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2012


Sometimes its hard to be accommodating.
Sometimes its hard to be always on top of every situation.

Sometimes its nice to just give up.
Sometimes its better to fight.

Sometimes its easy to be selfish.
Sometimes its nice to be giving.

Sometimes its better to be alone.
Sometimes its nice to have somebody at your side.

Sometimes its hard to be strong.
Sometimes its nice to let somebody take over.

Sometimes you don't want more pain.
Sometimes its better to be wounded.

Sometimes its easy to let go, sometimes its hard.

Sometimes when all is said and done,
Sometimes what matters most is the love that you gave.
Sometimes fleeting, sometimes forever. 
Sometimes free, sometimes earned.

Post Pandemic Musings

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