Showing posts with label christmas wish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas wish. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Christmas Wish

this picture was shot using a DSLR camera,
isn't it great?

I usually don't have a Christmas wish for myself but since the start of the Christmas season I have these "I wish" thoughts that keeps coming back at me. It's not long....just a short list that includes a new one due to a tragedy that happened recently in the country. Here it goes -

1. I wish for a DSLR camera (want this one sooooo badly)
2. I wish for an additional source of income 
    (I'm a solo parent so I really, really need extra income)
3. I wish for Ceci & PJ to be with me permanently
4. I wish for my daughter Michelle to be more active in her role in our family
5. I wish for some attention from my family (I feel alone....huhuhu)
6. If I cannot have my kids next year, I wish for a job abroad
7. "Secret Wish" ^^
8. I wish that more people will answer the call for clothes, food, medicine, cash donation for the victims of Typhoon Sendong in Northern Mindanao.
9. I wish for spiritual upliftment this month and the coming new year.
10. I wish that my family, friends and co-workers will have their heart's desire this Christmas season.

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