Showing posts with label ways to secure house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ways to secure house. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The subdivision where I am currently residing was known before as a haven for robbers. This is because most of the residents there are working in the city, leaving their houses early morning and arriving late at night. I heard a lot of robbery stories and I reckon that before we transfer I better secure the house first.
Install window grills. I asked a carpenter to install iron grills on all the windows, in a 40 square meter house that's five including a small window in the toilet and bath area. It cost me six thousand pesos (P6,000.00) that covers payment for labor and materials. It's not bad considering that when I went back there for an inspection after a week, my windows are secure.

Construct a Main Gate and Fence. Whether its temporary or fixed, a fence is a must in ones back and front yard.  It stops anybody from entering your property directly. Mine has to be a cyclone wire first nailed on bamboo poles. It's just temporary considering my budget at the moment. However, it's still a necessity at least to ward off dogs and if somebody decides to climb it in the middle of the night I will know. It's light material so it can't carry heavy weights. Somebody will end up sprawled on the ground and will create noise.The whole thing cost me two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) that includes labor fee, materials and transportation.I had to rent a jeepney to bring the materials to the subdivision.
Additional Door Lock. My house got one main door and one back door with a set of     doorknobs each. I had my dad installed two door bolt on each door on our first night there and even with these simple lock mechanism, it's not high tech but I already feel safe. This one costs me around one hundred fifty pesos (P150.00). Cheap!

Install Outdoor Lights. I had an electrician install two outdoor lights in my house recently. When we go home at night, on our street my house is the only one that is dark. And it's a little bit creepy arriving in your house with no lights when my budget permitted it...I spent one thousand five hundred pesos (P1,500.00) for labor and materials.... I immediately bought the materials and had them installed. Now, from the outside one can see my front and back yard at night. Robbers are afraid of lighted places you see.

Get a dog. Mine is an "askal" (a combination of a native breed and a doberman). Bronco as we call him was brought by my dad and my daughter from our house in Hinigaran (my hometown). We have plenty of them there and they're a delight bunch. Bronco like all the other dogs we have, would accompany us to the corner of our street where we take our ride going to the jeepney terminal. And, on our way home, he would meet us on the street or at the gate. I haven't heard him growl yet since he is just less than a year old but I am expecting him to protect us from person with bad intentions ^^ the way, Bronco is free of cost.

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