Showing posts with label solo parent on travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solo parent on travel. Show all posts

Monday, December 5, 2011

My First Ever Travel Abroad

I never dreamed of going to South Korea. I know how expensive the airfares are and in my single income household every centavo counts. But certainly, God really works in mysterious ways. He gifted me with an all expense paid travel in South Korea for 6 days. Much so, He provided me with a personal tour guide for free. ^^

I spent one (1) day in Busan City, two (2) days in Jeju Island and three (3) days travelling between Bucheon to Suwon, Seoul and Incheon City. 

Allow me to honor the three kindred person who took me under their wings and showed me how beautiful South Korea is.

We call him Lolo Kelly. He is my benefactor and I am forever indebted to him
for giving me the chance to go to South Korea.  

Kang Chang Oun a.k.a. Mountain, he picked me up at Seoul train station, he was my travel companion for three (3) wonderful days. He brought me to Busan where we met Lolo Kelly and to Jeju Island where his family lives.
I just can't thank him enough.
 And lastly, my boss!

We call him Boss, and I have been working for him for 10 years already.
He is camera shy....kkkkkk I took this picture after he picked me up at Incheon International Airport at 6AM (5AM Philippine time).

Mr. Oh took a leave from work for three (3) days just to show me around.
He even hosted a dinner for me with his wife Laarni, our former teachers, their husbands, former staff and students. It was the first time that such a get together happened just because I am in South Korea for a visit.

My heart was full ofjoy for my first ever travel abroad,
the memories are kept forever in my heart.

To Lolo, Mountain and Mr. Oh, thank you so much for
such daebak (wonderful) memories!!!!

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