Showing posts with label at age forty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label at age forty. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2011


I’m spending my first hours of being 40 writing this blog with sunshine on my face. Kids are still sleeping, most probably tired from yesterday’s advance celebration of my birthday. I’ve wanted my party to be today, June 13, but my friends have work and my house is kind of far so I decided to celebrate on a Sunday. Today will be spent accommodating the needs of my children and going to some invitations too.
What is with women turning 40? These days I feel reflective mostly and weepy. So much has happened prior to my being 40 and now I feel a new chapter has begun and I’m more confident, considerate and accepting.
I also have a lot to be thankful for – a peaceful existence, leading the life the way I want it, a new house, stable job, loving kids, good health, supportive family and friends, caring co-workers and great new neighbors. I couldn’t ask for more but being forty also means new opportunities, new friends and new challenges. Do I need to say new love? LOL!!!
Here’s to my lady friends who are turning 40 this year! Cheers!

Post Pandemic Musings

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