Showing posts with label hospital birthing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hospital birthing. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Kids Part 2

My second daughter Ceci or Maria Cecilia, came into this world on the day when the rebellion against then President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo failed. It was a day of reckoning since a state of rebellion was declared in the National Capital Region. We watched the happenings in Manila right in my hospital room.

Ceci was delivered normally. I appreciated how the nurses at the labor room at Doctor's Hospital  were so helpful and understanding at that time. My husband was not allowed to be in the room so everytime I got contractions I want to hold on to something. I asked the nurse if I can hold on to her arm and she said "Ma'am its ok so long as you will not pinch me"...that kept me wondering - are there really women on labor who pinch nurses during contractions? Poor girl! Of course, I did not pinch her and I was a very nice lady on labor pains. I was not shouting, I was just grimacing during contractions and just kept on saying  "aaaraaaaay!" When I'm already crowning, the nurses immediately transferred me to the delivery room. My ob-gyne was not around yet at that time, only the intern and nurses. It came to a point that Ceci's head is already coming out of my womb. The intern told me to stop pushing the baby out and she tried to push the baby's head back. I was not pushing in fact she came out naturally because it was really her time to come out. Luckily at that moment my ob-gyne arrived and I heard her say - "its ok Mylene push the baby out". I did maybe one or two and she's out. Yey!

And so, I thought it is really nice to give birth in the hospital at midnight or early morning because the staff really takes care of you and they have very few patients. I remember there were only two of us at the labor room that night.

Ceci is now nine years old and she's full of life and love. She always give me hugs and kisses. Very affectionate. When I left the house on "liberation day" she became responsible. She look after the welfare of her brother and act like an adult in the house. She's interested in cooking and lately pestered me to buy her ingredients so she can bake a cake. I had to convince her that she can only bake with me around.

Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...