Showing posts with label container gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label container gardening. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


The quarantine days or months if I may say, allowed us to stay much of our time at home. There are many things that we can do while staying at home. For one, my kids and I painted our kitchen walls and I improved my container gardening.

I am using all sorts of things that I can use as container to plant seeds and cuttings. I used old school bag, ice cream tubs, damaged pails and washtubs among others. I am a believer of reusing and recycling.

The alugbati is easy to grow from cuttings. My tomatoes just kept on growing and flowering but no fruit coming out, chilis  are still growing, garlic bulbs are sprouting, Chinese chives are sturdy and has been with me for many years already, spring onions from kitchen scraps are growing well and already been harvested many times. My batwan, a native souring fruit in the Visayas, is doing well. I also have some unidentified vines, not sure if it is squash, melon or pipino.

To fertilize my plants, I water them with rice wash or water used to clean fish. I also do composting using kitchen scraps and leaves coming from my garden. Eggshells are crushed and distributed on plants for calcium. Banana peels soaked in water are also a good fertilizing mixture.

I am a believer of recycling and I made it a practice to use whatever is available in my house that I can use for my urban garden. Having vegetables around your home will save you from spending money on food that you can grow. So, enjoy gardening and plant more veggies. Safe to eat and free from chemicals.


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