Showing posts with label alone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alone. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Going Solo
It’s something that is bound to happen. People close to me think that it’s about time. I’ve seen how God prepared me for this situation. I woke up one morning and realized that if I don’t go out of our marriage, I’ll end up in a mental institution. My husband is the most jealous person I’ve ever met. He’s eternally jealous of my employer, even our janitor. How a male person looks at me send him into an emotional coaster. He can’t maintain a job, he’s an alcoholic, a former drug addict and has a severe problem with handling money. Thus, these situations caused stress, unhappiness, distrust, abuse and dissatisfaction to our marriage. I’m not saying I am not at fault but God knows how hard I tried to understand and tolerated his weaknesses for ten years.

     Going solo after an incident that could have led me to kill him out of anger and frustrations, and he could have killed me out of anger because he saw that I am already fighting back is the most liberating moment of my life. I’m like a bird finally setting out of my cage and ready to explore the world.

     Alone with my eldest daughter, I can’t say I am 100% happy but nonetheless I am free to pursue my passion, improve my way of life, establish a permanent residence and improve my relationship with my family. It’s also an emotional coaster but hey, I found out that my family and friends will always be there to support, uplift and encourage me to do better. And one more thing, after a stressful day at work, I go home to a peaceful house where nobody is angry at anybody and tells me I’m stupid coz I forgot something or failed to do things for the house.

     God is good to me. I can’t thank the Lord enough for all the miracles that have happened in my life. I am at peace now and all ready to face the world with a happy heart knowing that God blesses those who trust in Him. Live and Love!


Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...