Friday, May 27, 2011

A Home for Me & The Kids

I just want to share with you a new milestone in my family life. Today, 28th of May, my eldest daughter and I will be transferring to our new and permanent residence. It's a bit far from my work place and my kids' school but I no longer need to pay rent except the mortgage of course. Thus, I will be saving like a couple of thousand pesos every month. The savings I get will be use to pay our transportation cost. However, I'll start paying utilities again like water and electricity. If one is renting a room only, one is free from paying the water coz its included already in the rent. There is only a plus plus for the electricity if you got an electric fan, electric stove, tv, ref etc. inside your room. Okay, I frankly don't like bills in general but these are a must so I have no choice. I will be missing my rented room but I am looking forward to our new home.

After leaving my parent's house, it's all rent house for me and my family for the past 13 years. I always dreamed of having a permanent place for me and my kids, and supposedly my husband (but he's an ex so, never mind...^^). Fortunately, an aunt of my ex husband offered this property and the cost is a safe amount to apply for a housing loan at Pag-Ibig. I was really confident that we can get the house thru a Pag-Ibig loan so here we are....already transferring and eager to start a new life at Brgy. Granada in Bacolod City.

I can't wait. I've been there several times and the community is really nice. The place is cool coz its nearer to the mountains. An ecopark and fresh water swimming pool resorts are nearby. Great for my kids to spend lazy afternoons and weekends with. Church and market are just a few minutes walk away from our subdivision.

It's raining today but it will not stop us from moving. My mom says May 28 is good day to transfer but with traditional belief or not, I am blessed already. Truly blessed. I can't thank the Lord enough for His abundant blessings for me and my family especially now that I am alone facing the demands of a new home and raising kids.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I was introduced to this dish for the first time at KG Bar in Bacolod City. It's spicy, sour and juicy. Kimchi is new to me and I couldn't help it but it's always on my mind. It was love at first taste for me. I didn't know that a few years after it's going to be a saving grace. My family and I used to host Korean students in our house so basically I learned how to make kimchi from my homestay sons. If you host Korean nationals in your house, kimchi is the best food to serve on the side.

Kimchi is versatile. You can cook it in many ways such as kimchi jeon (kimchi pancake), kimchi tchigae (kimchi soup), kimchi bukompap (kimchi rice), kimchi bukom (sauteed kimchi with meat), kimbap (like sushi and filling is kimchi) and a lot more. Kimchi is not only made of chinese cabbage but one can make radish kimchi, cucumber kimchi, cabbage kimchi,  spring onion kimchi etc. There over 100 types of Kimchi in Korea. 

Here's my Pinoy version of kimchi - 


4 kilos of chinese pechay
4 cups of salt
6 pcs medium size onion bulb, chopped
4 heads of garlic, peeled
1 cup chopped ginger
1/4 kilo of paitan or long fingered pepper
2 tablespoons of Rufina Patis
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 cups pepper powder (Korean)
1 cup of mixed cornstarch (2 tbsps) and water
1 bunch of spring onions (cut in 2 inches size)


1. Clean the chinese cabbage well.
2. Sprinkle chinese cabbage leaves with salt. Make sure that you include the inner part of the vegetable. Let it soak for 4 hours until soft. 
3. Rinse 3 times in running water.
4. Cut the cabbage in squares or just cut in halves or quarters
5. Prepare the remaining ingredients except the spring onions. I usually mix remaining ingredients in the blender and blend all. I also divide the pepper powder into 2 - 1/4 cup add in the blender and the remaining I add during the mixing process.
6. Add the spring onions to the chinese cabbage together with the mixture and the remaining pepper powder. Using you hands covered with gloves, mix altogether until all the leaves are fully covered with the reddish mixture.Store in a cool place for 24 hours. Refrigerate after 24 hours.  

You should use a glass container since kimchi can really stain your plastic containers. If you have no choice, use the same plastic container for future kimchis. Kimchi can stain your hands too. That is why it is very important to use gloves when mixing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

PROJECT C.A.R.E.S. - Negros Occidental Philippines

I am a supporter of Project C.A.R.E.S in Negros Occidental, Philippines. This organization is headed by a good friend of mine...Anna May Altarejos Cueva, Proponent & Road Safety Advocate who have been campaigning for road safety eversince her brother died in a car crash. 

Last May 11, 2011 a Global Decade of Action for Road Safety was launched in the country and was supported by no less than President Benigno Aquino Jr. 

As shared by Mrs. Cueva here are the proven key interventions for road traffic safety and injury prevention --- ALWAYS!

(1) Use seat belt 
(2) Wear helmet if driving motorcycle or bicycle 
(3) Slow down; observe speed limits 
(4) Look out for pedestrians / pedestrians cross safely 
(5) Do not drive ... if you are sleepy or not feeling well; if you drink alcohol or medicines; if you are texting or taking a call. 

ROAD SAFETY IS NO ACCIDENT. BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.!/home.php?sk=group_123044061491&notif_t=group_activity

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Best Memory System

Allow me to share with you a poem I've read from my Travel Companion, A Prayer Book for all -
Forget each kindness that you do,
As soon as you have done it.
Forget the praise that falls to you
The moment you have won it.
Forget the slander that you hear
Before you can repeat it.
Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer
whenever you may meet it.

Remember every kindness do to you,
what'er ite measure.
Remember praise by otrhers won
And pass it on with pleasure.
Remember every promise made
And keep it to the letter.
Remember those who lend you aid,
And be a grateful debtor.
Remember all the happiness
That comes your way in living.

Forget each worry and distress;
Be hopeful and forgiving.

Remember good, remember truth,
Remember heaven's above you.
And you will find through age and youth
True joy, and hearts to love you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Messages

with my daughters - Michelle & Ceci
I would like to share with you text messages I received from my friends during Mother's Day. I bet most of us received something that made us feel appreciated and loved. Though this Mother's Day was spent travelling from Boracay Island to Bacolod, the messages I got and the call from my kids made my day. Some of you may find here the same message you sent to me and I'd like to say "for remembering me on this day, thank you from the bottom of my heart"! Friends, the messages you sent are worth sharing...

"Good mother like YOU...Is like a gentle wind.You cannot see what's inside their hearts but you can always feel their presence and sincerity..."

"Take life one day at a time. It's not how fast we move nor how long we's how we cherish every moment....with God in our hearts...Happy Mother's Day!"

"A Mother's love cannot be measured. It's a brilliant gem to be treasured."

"In our lives we have a very best "BESTFRIEND", she's always on our side. Willing to listen to our problems in life..that's our MOTHER!"

"Happy Mom's Day! Let us honor our mother today not only with words of praise for them but with lives that reflect the impact of their influence."

"A Mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking. It never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking..Happy Mother's Day."

"A genuine mother cares without conditions, give without hesitations, understands without explanation and loves even without compensation...Happy Mother's Day! ...Mwuah!!!!"

"You may not be perfect in many things, but many things cannot be perfect without you..."

"The heart of a home is warm and true, and home has always been "sweet home" with a wonderful mother like you....Happy Mother's Day...God bless.....Mwuah!!!"

Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...