Thursday, August 4, 2011

20 Things I am Grateful Of

Oftentimes I am saddled with everyday concerns that I lose touch of things that I should be grateful of. Here's my 20 grateful list...Thank you Lord....
  1. For my kids. 
  2. For giving me a house of my own.
  3. For giving me the opportunity to see my kids in school every morning on schooldays.
  4. For the food on our table everyday.
  5. For keeping us safe in our travels to and from the house.
  6. For my brothers and sister, whom I get to communicate regularly these days.
  7. For my mom who inspite of her illness, she's still around and looking after us.
  8. For my dad who inspite of his regular absences in our home, is a constant comfort in times of needs.
  9. For my sister who never fails to text or chat to check how am I and the kids.
  10. For my elder brother who in his frailty at the moment, never fails to get in touch.
  11. For my younger brother whose absence is felt for quite sometime now, calls for no reason at all and just to check how we are.
  12. For my job that earns me my keep.
  13. For my co-workers who never fails to brighten my day with their jokes and funny stories.
  14. For my girlfriends who never lost touch inspite of being far from each other.
  15. For the other sources of income that I was able to established.
  16. For the company of friends.
  17. For being with me when I am alone.
  18. For the person who thinks I'm pretty. ^^
  19. For giving me strength when I need it.
  20. For the challenges I face everyday coz they help me to become a mature person.

Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...