Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I can't believe it! My two younger kids will be staying with me over the weekend. They informed me earlier that their dad will have a class reunion this weekend and he decided to allow two of them to stay with me instead of one. I'm excited already. I always relish every moment spent with them. When oh when will I get to have them altogether for good? I guess it is always the mother's desire to gather all her kids in one roof just like the mother hen cradling all her chicks under her wings....sigh! It's really not possible at the moment. The last time I tried to convince ex-husband to let them stay with me for good, we started hitting each other witnessed by the kids. I saw how traumatized my kids were at that time. From then on, I decided to rest my case. I comforted myself by lifting this case to God and I will continue to trust God's plan for my family. 

Meantime, the weekend's almost here. It's Masskara Festival week and I am so looking forward to enjoy the festivities with my kids, all three of them...sniff sniff

Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...