Thursday, December 29, 2011

25 Things I am Grateful about 2011

Two days before 2012. I feel a little bit mushy right now and I can't help but think of the things I am grateful of this 2011. A lot of things had happened and I can't thank the Lord enough for providing me the spirit of strength and courage to go through all the ups and downs of this year. So here's my grateful list. You might want to have one too ^^ 

1. I was able to get myself a passport.
2. I was granted a visa for South Korea.
3. Visited South Korea (at last!).
4. Almost done with high school for my daughter Michelle.
5. Continued employment.
6. Precious time spent with my kids.
7. Met new lifelong friends.
8. That I was able to help others in my own little ways.
9. Started a wealth seed.
10. Able to survive financial hurdles.
11. Random act of kindness and generosity from others.
12. A house, my kids and I call home.
13. Continued safety of my family.
14. Kids get healed from sickness.
15. Individuals who took time to listen to my woes.
16. Individuals who shared my triumphs.
17. New neighbors that are helpful and kind.
18. Co-workers who cheered me up.
19. Loving gestures from my kids.
20. Courage to get on with exercise and healthy living habits.
21. Food on our table.
22. Granting me the chance to experience another culture.
23. Encouraging and inspiring words from angels.
24. Reconnecting with my old friends and classmates.
25. Continued presence of my family, relatives, friends and acquaintances. 

Thank you Lord for all the blessings You have showered upon us this year. Truly, You are a God of Abundance. Thank you Jesus for you are my Great Provider! And for the new year, Your will be done Lord! Amen.

2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything; you may have an abundance for every good deed."

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Christmas Wish

this picture was shot using a DSLR camera,
isn't it great?

I usually don't have a Christmas wish for myself but since the start of the Christmas season I have these "I wish" thoughts that keeps coming back at me. It's not long....just a short list that includes a new one due to a tragedy that happened recently in the country. Here it goes -

1. I wish for a DSLR camera (want this one sooooo badly)
2. I wish for an additional source of income 
    (I'm a solo parent so I really, really need extra income)
3. I wish for Ceci & PJ to be with me permanently
4. I wish for my daughter Michelle to be more active in her role in our family
5. I wish for some attention from my family (I feel alone....huhuhu)
6. If I cannot have my kids next year, I wish for a job abroad
7. "Secret Wish" ^^
8. I wish that more people will answer the call for clothes, food, medicine, cash donation for the victims of Typhoon Sendong in Northern Mindanao.
9. I wish for spiritual upliftment this month and the coming new year.
10. I wish that my family, friends and co-workers will have their heart's desire this Christmas season.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Saturday Events

Saturdays of December can be quite taxing. Invitations, parties and outings are all packed in just one day. Connecting with friends is such a joy so I decided to end my Saturday hiatus only this month ^^

with Fearline, Majalia and Baby Kyoung Jae at the baptism of Majalia's son Isaiah
Majalia, Baby Isaiah and Majalia's Korean students

Ceci and cousin Mellinie at the Central District (a new wing) of Robinson's Place

Central District at Robinson's Place

Monday, December 5, 2011

My First Ever Travel Abroad

I never dreamed of going to South Korea. I know how expensive the airfares are and in my single income household every centavo counts. But certainly, God really works in mysterious ways. He gifted me with an all expense paid travel in South Korea for 6 days. Much so, He provided me with a personal tour guide for free. ^^

I spent one (1) day in Busan City, two (2) days in Jeju Island and three (3) days travelling between Bucheon to Suwon, Seoul and Incheon City. 

Allow me to honor the three kindred person who took me under their wings and showed me how beautiful South Korea is.

We call him Lolo Kelly. He is my benefactor and I am forever indebted to him
for giving me the chance to go to South Korea.  

Kang Chang Oun a.k.a. Mountain, he picked me up at Seoul train station, he was my travel companion for three (3) wonderful days. He brought me to Busan where we met Lolo Kelly and to Jeju Island where his family lives.
I just can't thank him enough.
 And lastly, my boss!

We call him Boss, and I have been working for him for 10 years already.
He is camera shy....kkkkkk I took this picture after he picked me up at Incheon International Airport at 6AM (5AM Philippine time).

Mr. Oh took a leave from work for three (3) days just to show me around.
He even hosted a dinner for me with his wife Laarni, our former teachers, their husbands, former staff and students. It was the first time that such a get together happened just because I am in South Korea for a visit.

My heart was full ofjoy for my first ever travel abroad,
the memories are kept forever in my heart.

To Lolo, Mountain and Mr. Oh, thank you so much for
such daebak (wonderful) memories!!!!

Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...