Wednesday, June 10, 2020


The quarantine days or months if I may say, allowed us to stay much of our time at home. There are many things that we can do while staying at home. For one, my kids and I painted our kitchen walls and I improved my container gardening.

I am using all sorts of things that I can use as container to plant seeds and cuttings. I used old school bag, ice cream tubs, damaged pails and washtubs among others. I am a believer of reusing and recycling.

The alugbati is easy to grow from cuttings. My tomatoes just kept on growing and flowering but no fruit coming out, chilis  are still growing, garlic bulbs are sprouting, Chinese chives are sturdy and has been with me for many years already, spring onions from kitchen scraps are growing well and already been harvested many times. My batwan, a native souring fruit in the Visayas, is doing well. I also have some unidentified vines, not sure if it is squash, melon or pipino.

To fertilize my plants, I water them with rice wash or water used to clean fish. I also do composting using kitchen scraps and leaves coming from my garden. Eggshells are crushed and distributed on plants for calcium. Banana peels soaked in water are also a good fertilizing mixture.

I am a believer of recycling and I made it a practice to use whatever is available in my house that I can use for my urban garden. Having vegetables around your home will save you from spending money on food that you can grow. So, enjoy gardening and plant more veggies. Safe to eat and free from chemicals.


, pub-5749341205139411, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


What is the new normal in the Philippines? Here’s what I observed during these quarantine days either ECQ or GCQ or MGCQ –

 1.  Everyone must wear a facemask. It is mandatory as per DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-071.  I suggest you keep an extra mask in your bag like I did coz earlier I forgot to wear a mask and realized it only when I am already on my way going to somewhere. Luckily, I had the common sense to put an extra mask in my bag days ago. Saved by the bell! 

2. All malls, offices, banks, stores, restaurants provide alcohol for our hands whether thru a security guard or self-service.

3. Social distancing is also encouraged and practiced. Jeepneys are required to install a plastic barrier in between passengers and its passenger capacity is only at 50%. Inside the bus, a seat that is good for 3 is required to sit 2 and the seats good for 2, only 1 person can sit. In the malls, banks and passenger terminals, people are asked to line up with a one meter distance from each other. Hence, you have to be early so you can finish all your errands. Some banks limit their client capacity at 100 person per day. Some banks closes at 12noon. And lastly, plastic barriers are everywhere. Can't complain though.

4. ATM card is a must. During the ECQ when no public transportation is available, it was a challenge to us since our location is far from the main economic hub and far from banks. I appreciated it really well that Palawan Money Express accommodates ATM withdrawals with only P15 as service charge like any other ATM’s that does not belong to your bank. Really convenient. Also the use of debit and credit cards limit our exposure to the virus as we don't know the origins of cash during purchases.

5. Internet is also one of the necessary services that we need. Communications, working at home, finding a job online, starting an online business are not the only ones that we can avail from the net. Soon, our kids will have online classes as schools are also gearing up for the opening of classes with kids staying at home for a a quarter or so until a vaccine is found.

6. The need to homeschool our kids will be on the rise. Those who can afford with time and money, enrolling their children in a homeschool program will be the trend. There are already existing homeschool programs in the country. 

7. PAYMAYA or GCASH account is very convenient. Why? SSS Wage Subsidies sent their payouts to PAYMAYA. Need a load for your prepaid sim? No need to find a loader, you can load your mobile phone through Paymaya or GCash at a discounted price. We also paid our electric and internet bills through them. No need to fall in line and no need to worry about transportation and social distancing.  

8. Money couriers, I appreciate them. You don't need to go far to meet somebody to hand in cash or receive cash. Just send them through Palawan Express, Cebuana Lhuillier, MLhuiller, RD Cash Padala, LBC Pera Padala among others. Really convenient!

9. Food and goods delivery. Now, this is the top highest grossing service created ever. Those who are in the delivery service are angels. It is really convenient when you are stuck at home and can't go out because of the many limitations brought about by the pandemic.

10. Vegetable garden. Many homes are now into vegetable gardening. There is a rise in the thought that we need to grow our own food so we don't need to go out to buy food and be exposed to the virus. Plus the prices of vegetables slightly increased because there is no delivery coming from different sources. Some lost their jobs but still need to feed a family. Vegetable gardening can greatly help to lessen hunger or food poverty.

We can only dream of our past normal lives. What we have now with the new normal, we have to accept, adapt and adjust. 

Lastly, infected or not, let us continue to be thankful to our Creator that we are still here on earth, still alive and still enjoying time spent with our family and friends. Forced leave, lost job, no work no pay, need to find a new job are just temporary. Soon we will have a new beginning. Caio!, pub-5749341205139411, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

I'm back!

Wow! It's been almost 6 years since my last post in this blog. Allow me to say, it's been one hell of a roller coaster ride in the past years. And, here I am, amidst the Covid-19 scare that kept us at home for the last 2 months. It's been my wish to stay home and take care of the kids instead of taking care of other people's business. Well, I got my wish but yeah! Sadly, there is no salary!

Staying at home means cooking, cleaning, gardening, sleeping, eating, watching movies and kdrama series, lying in bed the whole afternoon, etc. I also get to go out sometimes to buy food supplies during my allowed days - TTHS as per number coding system of our city. Odd number of the last digit for our Quarantine Pass gets to go out on MWF. Mine is Even number so I can go out during TTHS.

My family has been following the government's mandate to stay home and to only go out if necessary. Covid-19 is an unseen enemy and we will never know where and when we can get infected. As of today, May 14, 2020, no vaccine or medicine has been found to cure those who are infected. 

Almost all of us had been affected by this crisis. Luckily, my eldest daughter is working from home and still earns a salary. In my case, since April 2020, I am already on a no work, no pay status. We are expecting to go back to work on July. However, with the current global pandemic, I don't think we can go back to work right away. Our clients are 100% foreigners and I don't think they will be confident enough to travel to other countries in the next 6 months so goodluck to me!, pub-5749341205139411, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I recently discovered through a colleague of mine that there is a Magna Carta for Filipino women. Republic Act 9710 protects and recognize women in the workplace and promote women's rights. 

Here are the salient features of the law taken from the website of the Philippine Commission on Women
  1. Increasing the number of women in third level positions in government to achieve a fifty-fifty (50-50) gender balance within the next five years while the composition of women in all levels of development planning and program implementation will be at least 40 percent;
  2. Leave benefits of two (2) months with full pay based on gross monthly compensation for women employees who undergo surgery caused by gynecological disorders, provided that they have rendered continuous aggregate employment service of at least six (6) months for the last twelve (12) months;
  3. Non-discrimination in employment in the field of military, police and other similar services that include according the same promotional privileges and opportunities as their men counterpart, including pay increases, additional benefits, and awards, based on competency and quality of performance.
  4. Provision for equal access and elimination of discrimination in education, scholarships, and training. Thus, "expulsion, non-readmission, prohibiting enrollment, and other related discrimination of women students and faculty due to pregnancy out of marriage shall be outlawed.
  5. Non-discriminatory and non-derogatory portrayal of women in media and film to raise the consciousness of the general public in recognizing the dignity of women and the role and contribution of women in family, community, and the society through the strategic use of mass media;
  6. Equal status given to men and women on the titling of the land and issuance of stewardship contracts and patents.

Solo parents like me and women at that, rejoice in this law because we'll never really know what and when sickness comes to us. Having a protection of a special leave benefit in case of a surgical procedure due to a gynecological disorder is a tremendous help for a person whose a lone breadwinner of the family. Hospitalization nowadays cost a lot and we need all the financial assistance that we can get.

God bless everyone!, pub-5749341205139411, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Solo Parent's Welfare Act or R.A. 8972

I recently came across an article from the National Census Office about the Solo Parent's Welfare Act or R.A. 8972. 

This law aims to develop a comprehensive package of social development and welfare services for solo parents and their children to be carried out by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

To summarize - Any solo parent whose income in the place of domicile falls below the poverty threshold as set by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and subject to the assessment of the DSWD worker in the area shall be eligible for assistance. A Solo Parent can directly inquire from the following agencies to avail of their services:

1. Health Services (DOH)

2. Educational Services (CHED, TESDA)

3. Housing (NHA)

4. Parental Leave (Employer, DOLE, CSC) Solo parent whose income is above the poverty threshold shall enjoy only such limited benefits as flexible work schedule, parental leave and others to be determined by the DSWD.

In my case, since my salary is above the poverty threshold of P5,458.00 per month, my solo parent privilege consists of flexible work schedule, free from work discrimination and parental leave of 7 days a year only.

Here's another site that you may want to check out:

I'm glad that the Philippine government is doing something with regards to our sector in the society. 

Aja solo parents!, pub-5749341205139411, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Monday, June 24, 2013


This year is my 42nd. And this year proves to be really challenging for my sake. Firstly, my 2 kids were turned over by their father to me. For some reasons, he gave them up and transferred the responsibility of their welfare to me of which he proudly hold for the last two years and five months that we've separated. He even had the nerve to tell me that " now you know how difficult it is to raise the kids up on your own." Not thinking that when we were together, how difficult it was for me to raise up three kids and at the same time deal with an irresponsible and alcoholic partner. Good thing though is that my kids are finally with me and even if its financially difficult for me being a solo parent, having them in one roof is reward enough.

Secondly, I had to deal with a small space of a house. Good thing though there are kind and generous souls who helped me in my hour of need. I was able to extend our kitchen without knowing that a few weeks after it will be very useful. We're full house now because my mother is staying with us temporarily.

Thirdly, my mother got sick and she needs to stay in my house for awhile until her strength comes back. A bit  difficult when my siblings are not there because I have my house and kids to think of at the same time. My weekends are full. My weekdays starts at 4am and ends at the 10pm when I'm supposed to be in bed at 8 so I can wake up at 4. Everyday is a grind really. Good thing though when my siblings are there and taking care of our mom because that leaves me to do other things in the house. My kids, well, sometimes they help, sometimes they don't. Moreso, when I give them something to do, I will hear a lot of "you're supposed to do this, you're supposed to do that" and other blah blah blahs. 

Fourthly, I incur a lot of lates and absences at work because of concerns with regards to my mom. I appreciate the fact that my superior understands my situation at the moment.

Lastly, I am still having difficulty straightening my finances. It's hard to maintain a budget moreso a savings. And I incur additional borrowings through my salary to help pay off mom's hospital bill. 

Stress headache, numbness on my right cheek, body aches and pains. Pressure on bill payments and time.Turning forty two is not really that bad but the challenges I face daily,  if my faith in God is not strong enough, can turn me into a pulp.

As I told my friends, I am not afraid of what's happening with my life/family right now because "these too shall pass" and God is leading and guiding my way to victory. 

Solo parents are awesome people!, pub-5749341205139411, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bacolaodiat 2013

For eight years now, Bacolod City where I live has been celebrating the Chinese New Year with a bang! It is becoming a tradition for both Chinese descent Filipinos and Filipinos to celebrate the turn of the lunar year.  I myself loved the festivities with all the colorful street decors, gimmicks, promos, fireworks and entertainments as provided by the organizers. Lacson Street in Bacolod City is again closed for three (3) consecutive nights just for the festivities. 

This year is the Year of the Snake. My second daughter Ceci was born on the year of the snake. And, so I took this opportunity to have her pictures taken with the different snake lanterns that were being displayed at the Capitol Lagoon Park. 

This one is huge!

This one is my favorite...made of capiz shells,
the lights inside the snake lantern made it look like its burning.

Light is too low ^^

this snake is curled up in a temple

this gold snake has gold coins around it

uhm....teacher snake?

this one has a mechanical head that's moving left and!

this snake is made of wood bits and covered with christmas lights ^^, pub-5749341205139411, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...