Tuesday, April 17, 2012

20 Things I Am Grateful of in the First Quarter of 2012

A lot of things had happened in my family and personal life for the first three months of 2012. I am grateful to God for granting me answers to prayers, blessings, unexpected happy events and much more than I expected. So here it goes... Thank you Lord for --

1. The school family day - much to my joy, the 2 younger kids stayed with me over the weekend during this school activity.
2. The bonding time with the mothers of my kids' classmates. I don't always have the luxury of time to be with them - mothers who chose to be homemakers instead of career women.

3. The realization that my son is already on the verge of manhood when I caught him having a chat with an older girl student who happens to have a crush on him ^^

4. The continued safety of my family when all I can read in the daily newspapers were hold-ups, accidents, rape, killings.

5. The financial help that comes from out of nowhere. I was able to hurdle the end of school year expenses and utility bills.

6. The food on our table.

8. My daughter Michelle's high school graduation. I guess its one down and two more to go.

9. The continued tuition support for Michelle's college tuition from my employer. Thank you Lord!

10. The bonding moments with my cousins and friends ^^

11. My Daddy's checking up on me.

12. Yan-Yan's getting 3rd place in the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Search for Hara 2012 without not much expense on our part, and the support of neighbors, friends and family during this event.

13. The peaceful death of my brother in law.

14. The graceful demeanor of my sister in her sorrow.

15.  The gift of family presence when death and health problem comes.

16. The tree planting activity with my friend Marilyn in the town of Don Salvador Benedicto. 

17. The bonding moments with my friend Marilyn and co-teachers at the town of Don Salvador Benedicto such as eating lunch under the pine trees.

18. The gift of time, renewal and healing.

19. The gift of love and friendship.

20. The presence of someone whom I lost, somehow had been there all the while, taking the time to renew ties, processing emotional hurts, possible ending of an unfinished chapter and a start of a new one. 

Thessalonians 5:16-18 
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: 
for this is the will of God. 

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Monday, April 9, 2012


Sometimes its hard to be accommodating.
Sometimes its hard to be always on top of every situation.

Sometimes its nice to just give up.
Sometimes its better to fight.

Sometimes its easy to be selfish.
Sometimes its nice to be giving.

Sometimes its better to be alone.
Sometimes its nice to have somebody at your side.

Sometimes its hard to be strong.
Sometimes its nice to let somebody take over.

Sometimes you don't want more pain.
Sometimes its better to be wounded.

Sometimes its easy to let go, sometimes its hard.

Sometimes when all is said and done,
Sometimes what matters most is the love that you gave.
Sometimes fleeting, sometimes forever. 
Sometimes free, sometimes earned.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A New Chapter In My Daughter's Life

I am delighted to share with you the high school graduation of my daughter Michelle. With all the circumstances that surround her well-being, I can't help but feel  glad that finally she's done with high school and soon will be finding her place in this world.

I also cannot help it but feel proud of her because she's a fighter too like her mom. Going to the same university as mine and taking a course same as mine, she's indeed my daughter. 

To you Yan, life maybe cruel at times, it may not be what you want it to be, it may bring you joy, it may cause you  to fall down, it may lead you to success, it may be hard, it may be easy but you must remember wherever your life's adventure brings you, your family will always be your comfort and strength. We may not be complete but when two or three of us are together....that's HOME.

I love you my daughter. I may not always be at your side but remember that you have my character and strength. I have survived and so will you.  


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Positive Confusion

Positive confusion. A dear friend told me this during one of our recent conversation and I can't help but agree with her. Both of us are having confusing situations and instead of feeling down and out, we thrive in these confusing times. We get to laugh and we get to have "kilig" (exciting) moments. 

It's been a year and a half already after my fateful separation from ex and I am a liar if I say I am not enjoying the freedom that came with it. My friends keep telling me that I look better now, sounds better now and there's none of that heaviness that has been in me for the past years. I couldn't agree more, well, allow me to say that maybe it goes with age too. 

Everyday challenges in our jobs, relationships and family can be a letdown, mind boggling daily confusion  but these are being met confidently. Positive intrusion from unexpected individuals are cherishly welcome. Confuse because these intrusions somehow give us that positive and undescribable feeling? Hey. Bring 'em on.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Highlight Of My Christmas 2011

I was fortunate to have my three (3) kids all in one day so I decided to treat them to lunch and roam around Robinson's Place in Bacolod City before the year ends. I kinda consider this day as the highlight of my Christmas 2011. We ate lunch at Pizza Hut, had our family picture taken at Picture City, roam around Central District and as a repeated request from my young ones - a treat at the Worlds of Fun. Thank you Lord for such a wonderful day. Indeed!

Lunch with my kids at Pizza Hut, Robinson's Place

PJ in front of the water fountain at the Central District

Ceci at the newly opened Central District at Robinson's Place

Trying out a video game at WOF
My beautiful kids while waiting for lunch.

Our family pic taken at Picture City. I just copied this
from their computer while we choose the best shot.
P50 for 3 poses and we get to have 8 copies,
wallet size photos. Not bad ^^

Thursday, December 29, 2011

25 Things I am Grateful about 2011

Two days before 2012. I feel a little bit mushy right now and I can't help but think of the things I am grateful of this 2011. A lot of things had happened and I can't thank the Lord enough for providing me the spirit of strength and courage to go through all the ups and downs of this year. So here's my grateful list. You might want to have one too ^^ 

1. I was able to get myself a passport.
2. I was granted a visa for South Korea.
3. Visited South Korea (at last!).
4. Almost done with high school for my daughter Michelle.
5. Continued employment.
6. Precious time spent with my kids.
7. Met new lifelong friends.
8. That I was able to help others in my own little ways.
9. Started a wealth seed.
10. Able to survive financial hurdles.
11. Random act of kindness and generosity from others.
12. A house, my kids and I call home.
13. Continued safety of my family.
14. Kids get healed from sickness.
15. Individuals who took time to listen to my woes.
16. Individuals who shared my triumphs.
17. New neighbors that are helpful and kind.
18. Co-workers who cheered me up.
19. Loving gestures from my kids.
20. Courage to get on with exercise and healthy living habits.
21. Food on our table.
22. Granting me the chance to experience another culture.
23. Encouraging and inspiring words from angels.
24. Reconnecting with my old friends and classmates.
25. Continued presence of my family, relatives, friends and acquaintances. 

Thank you Lord for all the blessings You have showered upon us this year. Truly, You are a God of Abundance. Thank you Jesus for you are my Great Provider! And for the new year, Your will be done Lord! Amen.

2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything; you may have an abundance for every good deed."

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Christmas Wish

this picture was shot using a DSLR camera,
isn't it great?

I usually don't have a Christmas wish for myself but since the start of the Christmas season I have these "I wish" thoughts that keeps coming back at me. It's not long....just a short list that includes a new one due to a tragedy that happened recently in the country. Here it goes -

1. I wish for a DSLR camera (want this one sooooo badly)
2. I wish for an additional source of income 
    (I'm a solo parent so I really, really need extra income)
3. I wish for Ceci & PJ to be with me permanently
4. I wish for my daughter Michelle to be more active in her role in our family
5. I wish for some attention from my family (I feel alone....huhuhu)
6. If I cannot have my kids next year, I wish for a job abroad
7. "Secret Wish" ^^
8. I wish that more people will answer the call for clothes, food, medicine, cash donation for the victims of Typhoon Sendong in Northern Mindanao.
9. I wish for spiritual upliftment this month and the coming new year.
10. I wish that my family, friends and co-workers will have their heart's desire this Christmas season.

Post Pandemic Musings

Post pandemic for me is still a time of uncertainty. This is because my employment is still on a parttime basis. The company I work with is ...